I can't remember who said this now maybe someone out there will. Thinking about the U.N. scandle. It came to mind: "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we pratice to deceive" How fitting!
Bill Parker
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by Spartacus inwhen a difficulty is deep and painful, the triumph is glorious and jubilant.. -spartacus 2001
WTS deceived by "Satan" for decades
by Norm inc. t. russell gods mouthpiece, faithful and discreet slave was completely duped by satan regarding the jews and israel.
even j. f. booze rutherford was duped for many years, in spite of his extremely close relationship with jehovah.
in all those years none of these jehovahs chosen ones was able to see through the obvious deception.
Bill Parker
Hi Norm!
You have hit the nail rigtht squarly on the head! You have even given me information that I was not aware of. Thank you for that! I like to call the Watchtower Society "Satan's Work of Art" HIs "Masterful Deception." It is his last kick at the can as it were.He must have known by the very act of his being put out of heaven that it was now Jehovah's time to begin gathering the one's who would accept only the truth. This is where Jesus statement at Matthew 24:24 fits in nicely. In the Revelation by John he is seen "Standing before the woman who was about to give birth" ...Revelation 12:7-17 He is enraged with the woman and goes off to wage war with the remaining one's of her seed. IT is the composite "Man of Lawlessness" that now takes his seat in the Temple of God the "Anti-Christ" For modern day Bible scholars this is the "Abomination of Desolation Standing in the Holy Place" Abomination of itself we know is not a person but rather how Jehovah views this person. And it is his unscriptural activity that desolates God's Temple. The end results of this activity is now very visible for all to see in the number who have been disfellowshipped branded Apostate and marked and shunned. All designed to turn people away from worshipping Jehovah. IT works well doesn't it?. IT all looks like it has God's backing! We now know that it doesn't. Don't we! Thanks again. For awhile I thought I was on the wrong track. You have shown me that I am not. Thanks again. Bill Parker -
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Bill Parker
is not worth it's salt.
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Bill Parker
Hi Serenaj:
Could it be that he has been given a few things to consider that never crossed his mind before? It might possibly be that he will have to have some time to digest some of the things he has learned on this board. We have given him a lot to chew on. The decisions he will have to make are for him alone to make. We all stand alone before "the Judgment seat of God" We will not be able to tell Him {Jehovah} "we didn't know this or that. Neither will he! Jehovah will know what we or he did or didn't do on the basis of the knowledge we possessed. If our lack of action is based on the fear of what man can do to us and our ignorance is because we chose not to believe the truth Jehovah will know that will he not? As for us we will continue I hope to point out all of the scriptural errors made by the Society. Let them do their worst. If they are not in error let them prove it by supplying all of the required "two or three witnesses" for each and every Bible interpretation that they set forth. If they really have the truth as they claim that will be an easy matter for them to do. They might begin this by showing from the Bible the "two or three witnesses" needed to support their interpretation of the scripture in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3. As I have said before I'd love to see those witnesses. Without them it Bill Parker -
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Bill Parker
Hi S.G.
This is just a thought on a point focused on by Name with held.
"I am sure Jehovah will give the correct guidance regarding it." I have had the scripture at Amos 3:7 read to me many times by those who have been trying to prove to me that the Society gains special knowledge from Jehovah at various intervals in time. In the the Amplified Bible it is worded: " Surely the LORD GOD will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the Prophets." Jehovah has already revealed everything that He wants His servants the Prophets to know. It is all within the pages of the Bible. The only thing that is not revealed is the exact "DAY AND HOUR" His intervention will come. We do not tread into an area belonging solely to Him. Reread 2 Timothy 3:16 It takes up too much space to quote all of the scriptures I may need to cover here! In the first century Jehovah gave revelations to various one's in the congregations. Read 1 Corinthians 14: 26-33. We know from scripture that both classes were there in the first century. We also know that Jehovah "does not show partiality"choosing to give these Revelations to only the Heavenly Calling. He would choose the "one looked down upon" to give a special revelation to so that "no flesh would boast in the sight of God" It must be stated though that he would not have used someone who was a willful practicer of sin. That goes without saying.1 Corinthians 1: 27-29 The revelations at that time were part and parcel with the "gifts of the Spirit" which were "done away with"in the first century as you already know.
This knowledge now comes through the effort put forth by each individual in "searching the scriptures" How did the Bible writer instruct us to gain this knowledge? " Take pains with these things, be absorbed in them;so that your progress may be evident to all" In harmony with this direction is the scripture at Proverbs 2:1-6 This scripture if you do not already remember what it say's there is a MUST TO READ! IT really clearly shows how one gains this special knowledge today. It is Jehovah who does the teaching through His HOLY SPIRIT!As Jesus said "the Holy Spirit will bring back to your minds all that I said to you" John 14:26. 1 John 2:26,27 really shows clearly how one is taught today. There is "no lie" when one really is instructed by Jehovah. If he is being instructed the light that he receives doesn't blink on and off with ever changing teachings. Knowledge is progressive. Each flash of light brings one closer and closer to the true knowledge until the day dawns when each one will have a comrehensive knowledge of Jehovah. The only way these flashes of light come today is not because of any special revelations as was known in the first century. It is by pouring over the pages of the Bible. It's all there all we have to do is dig for it like hidden treasure. When we do that we will "FIND THE VERY KNOWLEDGE OF GOD" Bill Parker -
I've Had It - I Just Can't Do it Anymore
by troubled inwell, it seems we're back to the same "you're a troll; you're not a troll" thing.
it seems that my posts make too many of you "uncomfortable," you have an "intuition," you "can't put your finger on it," whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
i thought this was a place where people can post and be heard.
Bill Parker
To Naeblis:
Did you take a moment to read what it say's under AUTHOR? It says "TROUBLED". If this person needed anything it was kindness and commpassion throw in just for kicks a little understanding. Are you totally devoid of those qualitys? It sounds to me like you are. I expected insulting remarks like yours to this person from the Elders in the congregation that I got the hell out of. Tell me are you an active witness yourself? Perhaps even an Elder? If the answer proves to be in the affirmative I will fully understand your comment to this person. If not one has to wonder where the HELL are you coming from anyway? Bill Parker -
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Bill Parker
Hi again S.G.
I think it was "Frenchy" that gave you some good advice. It's one thing to"defend your faith" but quite another to try and address every question put to you. That could put you under one awful burden. You really do not need that. Take your time, relax and follow Jehovah's councel in the Bible. Romans 12:2 in part" ..."prove TO YOURSELF the good and acceptable and perfect will of God". When that is fully accomlished you will easily defend your faith. But you do not have to prove anything to anyone by feeling that you have to answer every question. Of course the way to prove everything to yourself is by "testing" everything that you are taught. If the Bible supports everything that you believe and you can stand with that Book in your hand and supply the required "two or three witnesses" for everything that you believe and those witnesses are fully in harmony with your teaching then you have proven it to yourself. That is what is really important. 1 Thessalonians 5: 21 in the Beck translation it reads:"But test everything and cling to what is good".Taking in knowledge is like eating fish with many bones in it. Some of those bones can literally choke you to death. Knowing that you spit them out. Is it not even more important when taking in spiritual food to quickly spit out a teaching or an interpretation that has no witnesses to suport it? In the finale mildly accepting religious teachings that are not in the Bible or that are outright false teachings will bring the same effect as a large fishbone caught in your throat. Anyway do not try and prove anything to me. Prove it to yourself. That is what will bring you many benefits. That is what will bring all of us many benefits. Bill Parker -
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Bill Parker
Hi S.G.
As to your statement: "They are the only one's teaching close to the truth" Close is good if your playing horeshoes. Pardon the pun. You said it though and your right. Now read Matthew 24:24 "For false Christs and false Prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders,so as to mislead if possible even the chosen one's" Now of course in order to mislead the chosen one's of necessity these false prophets would have to be right in AMONG the anointed Brothers of Christ. This is where the Bible predicted that they would be. They were there in the first century they are there right now. That can be scripturally proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Read my very long article on Apostasy it is covered in that article. There is also another there talking about "Branding others Apostate". Jesus warned: "Beware of false Prophets who come to you in sheeps covering" He said "you will know them by their fruits." A sheeps covering is someone disguised as something they are really not. Jesus said: "You will know them by their fruits. So examine very closely everything you are being taught. Do as Jehovah instructed you to do through the mouth of the Apostle John. He tells all of us: "TEST the inspired expression to see if they originate with God for many false Prophets have gone forth out into the world" 1John 4:1 If it was important to test the "INSPIRED EXPRESSION" of how much more importance is it to "TEST" the "uninspired Expression"? You will remember that Jesus said "You will know them by their fruits". He was telling all of us as well as the first century Christians to view closely not only their teachings but their actions as well. When you start thoroughly testing all of the teachings of the Watchtower Society and come to know because of your own thorough investigation the things that they have been doing that are completely out of harmony with the Bible you are going to be shocked. Just remember this, the first century Christians had the freedom to even test out everything the inspired Prophets spoke and wrote even though everything they stated was word of God. Those ancient Boreans did that and they were considered "noble minded" for doing so. From my own personal experience and I know others have experienced the same thing you are not allowed to follow the direction in 1John 4:`1 and you are not allowed on pain of disfellowshipping to question any of the Society's teachings. If you dare to do that "YOUR ASS IS GRASS" Pardon the expression. I did that and they tried to make it a judial matter. Jehovah allows it and they don't! What's wrong with this picture? You have much to learn as do we all. Steel yourself for a few shocks because they are going to come. Every one on this board knows exactly what I am saying. Don't you Guy's and Gal's? Bill Parker -
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Bill Parker
Hi S.G.
I can't say that I like the name you have chosen. I think that you can do a whole lot better than that It doesn't exactly go with "Active and Happy" if you know what I mean.
I have a question for you. If someone were to ask you to supply the "two or three witnesses" required to show that the Society's interptetation of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 is word of God what three witnesses would you point to in the Bible that back up that interpretation? I would really love to see those three scriptures!
Bill Parker -
Shunning is worse than the worst crime possible
by Richie ini have come to the conclusion that the shunning practices of the jw's are in fact worse than the worst crime committed.
just imagine, your own daughter shunning you, not wanting to see me or her first son (my grandson).
whenever i walk around in the village i live and i happen to encounter jw's, they don't even acknowledge that i exist at all!!.
Bill Parker
Hi KLaus:
Under no circumstances should there be any disfellowshippings with it's subsequent Marking and Shunning practices today. Afterall who is Jehovah's appointed judge today? Is it not Christ Jesus? Look at John 5:22 ..."not even The Father Judges anyone,but He has given ALL JUDGMENT to the Son" Verse 27 "and He gave Him authority to execute Judgment." Not even Jehovah judges anyone today. So if HE doesn't isn,t it tantamount to "sitting down in the Temple of God professing to be God"when anyone does it today.? Isn't that characteristic of the man of lawlessness? Isn't it running ahead of Jehovah's arrange ment and His appointed judge? It doesn't say that He has appointed any so called "Faithful Slave Class" as judges today. There is a good reason for that! First century Christian were empowered by Jehovah to read the heart of individuals. No one today has that particular ability. All the gifts of the spirit ended in the first century. Notice verse 28 of Matthew 13 dealing with the parable of the wheat and the weeds. ..."Do you want us,then to go and gather them up" What did He tell them? Did He say "Go ahead?" No! He didn't did he.? He said: "NO;lest while gathering the weeds you root up the wheat with them.". They would do that because today no one can read the heart! Who's job was it to clean up the congregations world wide? Read verse's 41-43 of Matthew 13.It is Jesus who sends forth the angels to do the clean-up work. That job is not given to anyone today. They were to be allowed to "Grow together" as verse 30 pointed out. Anyone involved in the disfellowshipping practice today who causes others to mark and shun other members of the flock is in very serious trouble. I wouldn't touch that stand with a ten foot pole not even if someone else was hanging on to the pole. Bill Parker